Tomorrow is Grandma Jo's 80th birthday. We will celebrate again tomorrow night at the home she has shared with Granddad for many of the 62 years of their marriage. I say again, because Nora baked a lemon cake on Saturday and took it to the semi-annual Jones Reunion where they celebrated once already. Here is a photo of the birthday girl and her cake, courtesy of Nora.
The menu tomorrow night is Jo's awesome potato salad, pork loins cooked on the grill and of course something lemony! The dessert will be Lemony Cookies that are still warm (as I write) from the oven. Here are a few pictures and the recipe.
Lemony Cookies
Makes 30 cookies.
Preheat oven 350 degrees.
2 eggs
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1/3 cup water
Whip together and add
1 packet Crystal Light Lemonade Mix
that makes 2 quarts (use dry granules here)
1 package lemon cake mix
Stir well
Drop onto parchment paper lined cookie sheets using a scoop or teaspoon. Bake for 8-9 minutes, being careful not to over bake. Cool on cookie sheet for 5 minutes and carefully move to cooling rack until completely cooled. Place in tightly sealed container and hide until served!
And aren't they yummy looking right here by my
o-so-sweet Monday dishtowel that my Momma made me!