Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bucket Light

Light not a list.  We've been watching a bucket in a ditch for several months.  We've needed a lamp over the table on the porch for longer.  Christmas Eve found Peeps out on the road late at night, picking up a bucket in the ditch.  He's been picking up pieces here and there to put his lamp together since then.  Yesterday, after only breaking one of the pieces, he got it all put together.  It sure fits right in on the porch.


  1. Hi! I'm so glad you stopped by to FOLLOW me so I could find my way back to your Blog. I've enjoyed looking at all your photos. It's gonna be great fun being your bloggy buddy!

  2. Looks perfect on your porch!

  3. What a great idea! I love anything galvanized. You see similar looks in decorating magazines and this is much more creative!
