Time flies when we are having fun! My how time has flown lately! Today, Cousin Becky and I spent a day with her Aunt Pat, my Momma. Becky's Momma, my Aunt Ginia (Virginia) was Momma's sister.
We were celebrating a late Mother's Day and an early Decoration Day. I know it's now called Memorial Day, but I do love the old-fashioned sound to Decoration Day. We started by decorating Grandma and Grandpa Carter's grave. Iva and Norman were laid to rest, several years apart, but right next to each other. They are just to the right of Momma's Grandma and Grandpa Carter (Thomas Jefferson and Ida Alice.) Of course, neither Becky nor I met either of our Grandpa Carters, nor our Great-Grandma Carter, but we remember Iva very well. Here is a picture of Norman and Iva, my Momma's parents. Aren't they cute?
Iva was a well-loved Grandma and most of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren miss her still. I can only hope I am a fun Meemaw and half as loved as she was. I have learned in my 50+ years that most of us don't make the same mistakes with our grandchildren as we did with our children. That might be a reason we are much-loved and lovingly remembered. Here is a picture of Iva with my sisters and I a few years ago. Okay, it was 1970something.
Our motor trip today took us by the old log cabin that Norman built as a summer place for the family to get away from the summer heat of the city down in Carter's Compound (well, really only the family called it that!) in Monegaw Springs, Missouri. Monegaw Springs has a colorful history due to it's historic "healing" springs. At the turn of the last century, it was a popular restful vacation spot due mostly to the sulfur springs. Here is an early picture of the cabin, followed by the most recent picture.
The Carter Cousins have many colorful tales of visits to the cabin. Many include drawing icy, cold water from the well, the 2-holer outhouse, penny-ante poker games, the awesome porch swing, walking to the bluff or a trip to the cave, climbing atop the silver gas tank, and lots of snake stories that include a tall tale of a snake-killing with a mop? Only those who were there really believe that wild tale and Iva is not here to tell us different! Here are some of us cousins. Of course, Becky and I are the super cuties in the front on the right!
On the road once more, we passed the old stone house that belonged to Grandpa and Grandma Moore. The Moore's were not really my Momma's grandparents, but the grandparents of her best friend Mary Ellen. Well, maybe they were family or became so, when Mary Ellen married my Daddy's first cousin Charlie. Anyway, Momma has fond memories of this beautiful old home.
Once more headed south on the highway to Bolivar, Missouri and straight to the downtown square and The Tea Garden Cafe. They have a very nice menu, glorious iced tea and seating in the lower level of the store, The Country Hearth, for those of us allergic to stairs. The lemon cake is AWESOME! The Country Hearth has aprons, dishes, knick-knacks, jewelry, purses and lovely smelling coffee beans. You name it, their little store has it. In very lovely, fragrant surroundings. This picture is from their FB page.
Refreshed, we headed back north to "swing by" the cemeteries in Iconium and Bear Creek. At Iconium, we saw this interesting headstone and had to take a picture. The headstone is for the grave of Grandpa Bob's Uncle John. I remember him as a character, but I do not know what inspired this headstone. When I find out the rest of the story, I will share.
After this interesting visit, we were on the road to our final stop. The Bear Creek Cemetery. Several of the Garrison family members are buried here. The property once belonged to the family and was given to the community a very long time ago. There is a very sweet old church residing there that always makes you feel like you've come home. Grandma and Granddad Garrison, Bessie Marie (Barnes) and Homer George, are both buried there along with Daddy (Jerold Barnes Garrison) and my oldest sister, Robin Ann Garrison Ammann. Robin's husband placed this wonderful old stone for her headstone. Robin was a nature lover and would have loved it! She was a super Grandma too!
Here's Daddy's and Grandma & Granddad's stones. Daddy was a hunter, fisherman and nature lover. He got it from his Daddy and passed it on to Robin and oddly enough to my Jeffrey, who never ever met him.
Grandma Bessie loved flowers. She had some of the prettiest flower gardens I can remember. She loved her grandchildren and played many a game of Rummy with us. She made THE most absolutely-best-ever-in -the-history-of-the-world, not-ever-to-be-copied blackberry jelly. Here she is with us girls back in the day. Our friend Nancy Borer is here too. Yes, here are the famous butterfly dresses.
Since I am posting for a late Mother's Day, I want to include a picture of Momma with us four girls.
The last one we have that includes Robin.
And here is my favorite grandson about to play his favorite game!
To tell the story correctly, I should have started with this picture. Peeps was helping me find flowers for the arrangements and he spied this cutey! Know anyone who LOVES giraffes? You guessed it, and as Ivy says, this giraffe would look so cute in the nursery for Little Baby Vine!
Thank you so much Momma and Becky for a very special Mother's Day.